Whiteside Manor offers several drug and alcohol treatment programs to help you or your loved ones in recovering from addiction. Our Southern California treatment programs are designed to get our clients back into leading a healthy and natural lifestyle without the presence of drugs or alcohol.
“ Whiteside has a high treatment success rate (Dual Diagnosis) and provides extensive follow-up with clients who have graduated from their program. ”
- C. Blatt
U.S. Gov't (H.U.D.) Monitor's Report
“ I want to talk about a minor miracle. I am a demanding person who went into the director’s office and said I want a cure for my child. The director of Whiteside makes us all an offer if we listen. We learn that when our child is ill with drug addiction, as with just about every other illness, psychiatric or medical, we are a massive resource to Whiteside. Our support is selfless loving actions can reduce the ill child’s massive fears. Now, Whiteside Manor’s program can work it’s magic within 80-days inside the system. Amazingly, a woman is back inside the family and working in the world. If one can support their women in the Whiteside system for 3-months, move them off into sober-living and pay for it for 3-months, our family members can be working. My child is 7-months employed and self-sufficient. Warm regards from a happy demanding parent that loves Whiteside.”
- Leo M.
"I entered Whiteside much like other drug addicts in active addiction, broken, confused, homeless, unhappy, terrified and very angry. I also have a dissociative disorder that was extremely symptomatic at the time of my entrance. I had gotten turned away from more then one addiction rehab facility due to criteria for treatment as well as my poor behavior. Getting clean and staying that way felt absolutely imposable and I was starting to feel like no one could help me, and I most certainly didn't comprehend the steps I needed to take to help myself.
I come from a background of instability, foster care, jail, homelessness, and trauma. The kind of support love, tolerance and faith I received from Whiteside was something I did not quite understand at the time, but I can honestly say now, with no doubt in my mind, that it made the difference between me living or dying. I developed healthy relationships and trust among the other clients and staff. Things I thought were imposable were suddenly possible. Whiteside Staff has set an amazing example to follow, with values of which I choose to apply in all aspects of my life.Ariel T.
“ After losing my 17 year old to suicide I had lost control to every aspect of my life. I began using amphetamines, marijuana and opiates.
I came into Whiteside manor feeling lost, angry depressed, lonely and hopeless. Whiteside Manor has helped me extremely by having groups such as relapse prevention, anger management, coping skills and co-dependency as well as exercise, nutrition and anxiety breathing and relaxation techniques. They provide us with outside entertainments such as movies, bowling, salon services and miniature golf. This teaches us how to have fun clean and sober. We also attend AA and NA meetings on a daily basis.”- Paula M.
“ I have been in residential treatment at the Wilshire Street location for 31 days. This has been a highly educational and therapeutic experience. I’m receiving both one to one and group instructions and counseling. Whiteside also provides access to counseling from my private health care provider.
My family is involved via phone calls, social time together, education sessions, and I can go home for approved visits. I’m attending lots of 12-step recovery meetings with my peers and staff. Overall, this program is providing me with the tools to maintain a sober recovery lifestyle, focusing on personal honesty, open mindedness, and willingness.”- Sydney D.
"Before I went to the Whiteside Manor program, I had been to over nine programs for my addictions. For years I used meth and alcohol and any other drug I could find. I lived on the streets and parks. I lived everywhere. Whiteside helped me become a sober loving mom.
This program helped me, and gave me the tools to continue on my sober path. I dealt with my deep and emotional issues that help me let go of it I felt with my addiction. The program taught me how to apply meetings, AA or NA to my life.
Today I have my kids in my life, and today my family and friends can depend on me. I am no longer a slave to my addictions. I am free to be the mom I always wanted to be. Whiteside Manor saved my life and I’m forever grateful.”- Lisa H.
“ Whiteside was the third treatment program I had been to, and was by far the best. They helped me to understand my physical addiction to alcohol, as well as the emotional reasons I felt the need to drink.
Whiteside also helped me to re-discover who I was, in a positive, healing environment. Recently I celebrated one year sober! My life is so much different; I have leaned to respect myself and others, and the world I live in. I have had the opportunity to work on relationships that were damaged by my old behavior. I feel that I have a new life, a new start, and hope for a better future.”- Jessica
“ Whiteside Manor has saved my life. I came here with alcohol and benzo addiction when I began to have work and health problems due to my alcoholism. I knew I was ready to get help. I love the structured environment of getting up early, cooking and doing chores as a team with the other girls, having the opportunity to go to the gym also makes me feel better. I enjoy the one-on-ones just as much as the group therapy. It’s hard leaving family and pets behind, but having Amos the dog around helps me feel at home. Whiteside also offers family group which has helped my family have more of an understanding of addiction. The outside meetings we go to are really good, Casa Blanca is my favorite they have speakers that come from all around. Even though we are in treatment we still get the opportunity to get out and do rec once a week. I never thought I could have so much fun bowling sober.”
- Anonymous
“When I first entered Whiteside I felt like a warm and safe blanket wrapped about me. The staff is incredible. It seemed like they are united together to make me feel like they wanted me in their home.No matter how silly the questions were or how often you need them answered they would answer them with a smile on their face.”
- Anonymous
“Initially, upon entering Whiteside Manor my goal was to get clean and sober. I never dreamt that this program would steer me to a life beyond my wildest dreams. With eternal gratitude!”
- Betty
"I really do feel that Whiteside is a very special place. Further I feel that I have been given a second chance at a life I never dreamed of. I have been coming out to visit and talk to the guys when I attend the 7PM Wednesday Men's Stag I fell into there. I am indebted to you and Whiteside. I have a bit of a business mind, and I'm amazed at the way the gears mesh. ”
“ Whiteside Manor offers the best overall program! I should know after six other programs. (I should write a book on recovery.)”
- Lyle
“I entered this program in September of 1999. I have been clean since. It took courage for me to say I needed help. I thank you for being a part of my sobriety and guiding me to becoming the person I am today. I now have a husband of 9 years and 4 beautiful children. I am currently going to school to become an elementary school teacher. I just would like to say thank you. ”
- Stacey
“ I lived an incredible sober life for 22 years. Lost my sobriety via pain pills and didn’t know how close I was to losing everything or dying. I spent $20,000 was loaded again in 30 days. I hit bottom and knew of Whiteside’s reputation. It’s not about the money there. The staff is incredible. My life is better than ever. I love the place and miss it!
I had the means to go anywhere, so a $50,000 rehab was not out of the question. Funny how a place that cost so little gave me so much. I can’t put a price tag on the quality, variety, warmth of the staff, and fellowship. I go back and visit because I miss Whiteside Manor and the fun.”– Kevin D.
“ Before entering Whiteside, I had been through four other programs, including the famous one in Palm Springs. Whiteside turned my thinking around.”
- Randy
“ I arrived to Whiteside Manor a confused, angry Native American man. I was treated with respect and caring. My case manager recognized my need to reconnect with my traditional beliefs. I was encouraged to combine my traditional teachings with those of the twelve step program. the staff is very respectful of the unique needs of the native american clients and is willing to tailor a treatment plan to address those needs. while at Whiteside Manor an integral part of the program to assist Native American clients with culturally relevant groups was the late Charlie Narcomy. i am grateful to the staff of Whiteside Manor for the life changing opportunity that was given to me. Thank You Whiteside Manor. ”
- Ron P.
“ The best program I have ever monitored.”
- Don Jones
State Peer Monitor
“ Compared to other programs, this place is like a country club. The food is great, we exercise and go to the gym. They really believe in dealing with issues in addition to recovery. ”
- Glenn
“ I have hooked back up with my family, who wouldn't even take my calls before I came in. This was my third program. I had burned every bridge and conned everyone I knew. They convinced my family to get involved my second week in treatment. Gloria is the best ever family counselor.”
- Marci
“ I have seen Whiteside keep a client whose insurance had run out. He wasn't ready to leave. I guess that really shows they care more about the clients than the money.”
- Greg
“ I was most grateful they have seperate facilities for men and women. It's too hard to concentrate with women around, I keep falling in love too soon.”
- Mike
“ The programs are in really nice mansion-like homes. I was in charge of the pets. That probably kept me there the first few weeks.”
- Lucy
“ I tried and tried to get over on my counselor. Linzy is impossible to fool. He probably saved my life.”
- Harold
“ I still can't believe they have an actual chef (Mike is great) and do a lot of fun stuff every Friday. I actually got into going to the gym. ”
- Matt
“ I never thought the morning meditation walk would mean something to me. I still do it.”
- Ryan
Licensed and Certified by the State Department of Health Care Service
Men’s Substance Abuse Recovery Home-License #330004AN, Exp: 05/31/2026
Wilshire House Women’s Program-License #330004TN, Exp: 11/30/2026
Palm Ave Women’s Program-License #330004WN, Exp: 10/31/2025
2743 Orange St.
Riverside, CA 92501
(800) 300-7326